Chi Rei Kai Karate
Contact UsEddie Sliwinski
3rd Dan Instructor
My name is Eddie and I’ve been learning Shotokan Karate with Chi Rei Kai for quite a few years now. I took my Nidan (2nd Dan) test with Chi Rei Kai and passed in 2018 and have recently acheived my Sandan (3rd Dan). I really like that Karate humbles you and shows you that there is so much to learn. Having said this, the learning is awesome and takes you to places that you never imagined possible. I am a stickler for doing things right and I find that within Karate you have to be a certain way with it.
Each training session is a challenge and I feel great after and that I have learnt yet another aspect of this very deep art. I enjoy teaching Karate and love spending time making sure that Students get it right. It’s a lot of responsibility and I love the challenge of living up to it’s demands. I enjoy all aspects of Karate but especially Kata as it demands a lot of yourself, both mentally and physically.